Air Conditioning Maintenance

Cooling Care: The Ultimate Guide to Air Conditioning Maintenance in Gympie

Living in Gympie often means dealing with hot, muggy days during warmer months. Ensuring your air conditioner functions effectively is crucial to comfort. The team at TSR has put together this ultimate guide to air conditioning maintenance so your system works efficiently and flawlessly when you need it.

Replacing and Cleaning Air Filters

Air conditioning filters clog up over time, reducing airflow. This forces your system to work harder, increasing energy bills and shortening the life of your AC unit. Dirty, clogged filters also contribute to indoor air pollution, creating an uncomfortable environment where dust and other pollutants get spread around your home. Aim to clean out your air filters every 2 months during periods of frequent use and replace them if they get too difficult to clean.

Check the Outdoor Unit

It’s also important to check the and clean the outdoor unit of your AC system once a year. Dust and debris can accumulate on the outside extractor vents as well as the coils. Our team can clean this for you on an annual service visit however in the meantime, check to ensure there are no overgrown plants or weeds covering the outdoor unit. Ensure there is sufficient air flow and space around the system!

Schedule an Annual Professional Inspection and Service

Getting your air conditioning system serviced is important to ensure reliable performance, especially during hot Queensland summers. We offer comprehensive inspection and servicing that keeps your AC unit functioning at its best so you can avoid unexpected breakdowns while extending its lifespan and maximising energy efficiency.

Book in Your Air Conditioning Services Today in Gympie

For professional air conditioning maintenance in Gympie and surrounds, get in touch with the experts at Tony Stephens Refrigeration. Call us on 07 5482 8100 or contact us online.